Friday, 24 May 2019

Philosophy of the City Round-up (May 2019)

The deadline for the annual conference of the Philosophy of the City Research Group is approaching. Don't miss the opportunity to present and discuss your work in Detroit (Oct 3-6, 2019).

Meanwhile, I am looking forward to the Philosophy of the City Summer Colloquium in Lahti and Helsinki (17.–18.6.2019). You can find the amazing program here.

I am also received my copy of Philosophy and the City: Interdisciplinary and Transcultural Perspectives. It's great to see, that the topic is gaining attention within Philosophy!

My paper on Urban Resilience and Distributive Justice just came. - Talking about "Resilience": I am co-organizing a session called "From the ethics of risk to the ethics of resilience - Integrating participatory approaches" with Samantha Copeland (TU Delft) at the DeSIRE conference (University of Twente, June 6-7, 2019).

 Finally, if there are any PotC related news, which you would like me to share my on this blog: Please, let me know.