- Don't drink the water: biocities, biocitizens and Flint's water crisis / Joel Michael Reynolds, University of Massachusetts, Lowell & The Hastings Center
- Moving through real and virtual urban spaces / Rebecca Kukla, Georgetown University and Eli Kukla, Georg Washington University
- Right to the city: the public transportation justice / Vladan Klement, Masaryk University
- Love Sex Technology City / John Kaiser Ortiz, Millersburg University
Given my own teaching in engineering programmes at the University of Twente, I am particularly thrilled about the following workshop:
- Creating Serving Learning Courses for Philosophy of the City: Lessons from The University of Nevada, Las Vegas / Shane Epting, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Of course, I am also excited about catching up with the other people in the PotC community and about my very first visit to Bogotá!